DVLA Reports

Safeguarding Your Business on the Road.

A DVLA report is a simple way to assess the suitability and reliability of candidates whose job may require them to drive a company vehicle and to assess whether a candidate will meet industry requirements.

There are many benefits of including a DVLA report as part of your background screening program. Information reported includes all impaired charges, a DVLA speeding check, and other driving offences as well as a cross reference guide to decipher confusing coding and information provided by the DVLA.

Sterling’s DVLA reports provide:

  • Forgery-proof results delivered securely online
  • Fast results – typical turnaround time of 3 to 5 business days
  • Unbiased, unaltered information direct from the source
  • Cross-Referencing and Analysis – names, aliases, dates of birth are all cross-referenced with information supplied on Criminal Record Check consent forms.

Delivering Thorough, Accurate Results Online

The use of forged documents is on the rise. By choosing a partner such as Sterling, you can trust that the information you receive via our secure website is reliable and accurate.

Knowledge of a driving record is particularly important for positions that involve transportation of goods, use of a company vehicle, or representation of your company while driving. Over a third of driver reports raise a red flag; these can include drunk driving, excessive speeding, dangerous driving, and more. Keeping your business and your customers secure is paramount, and including our comprehensive DVLA offence check as part of your screening process can help to provide hiring confidence. Report details will show whether an employee or candidate was involved in a crime, helping to safeguard your company.

Sterling’s comprehensive DVLA Report can safeguard your company’s assets and your clients from the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007. Under this act, organisations can be found guilty of corporate manslaughter as a result of negligent hiring practices. This includes fatalities caused by an employee driving on company time.

Background Check Compliance: The Mistakes You Could be Making Without Realising

Conducting background checks on candidates is a must-have for employers wanting to meet regulatory obligations or mitigate the cost, safety and reputational risk of a bad hire. But there are vital compliance considerations which must be adhered to along the way. In this session Steve Smith will reflect on unique Sterling research and explore the typical pitfalls which hiring firms must avoid. Learn from real-life errors made by other employers and get practical guidance on how you can develop a robust background screening programme.

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