December 16th, 2016 | Sterling

The Top Blog Posts of 2016

As 2016 comes to a close, I find myself asking, “Where did the year go?” Between the meetings, acquisitions and mergers and product updates, we’ve had a packed year – oftentimes reflected in our company blog. We have shared the exciting news of our merger with TalentWise in the beginning of the year to rebranding our name to Sterling in June to sharing the latest human resources and background screening industry information all year long. We compiled a list of the top five most popular and highly read blog posts (in no particular order) of the past year just in case you missed them.

Lies On A CV-How to Expose the Truth

Lies on a CV are a common problem facing many businesses, no matter if the position is entry or executive level. CV lies can range from minor exaggerations to serious issues such as degree fraud. According to a Higher Education Degree Datacheck report, around one third of graduates falsify important information on their CVs every year with 40% exaggerating their academic qualifications and 11% falsely claiming they hold a degree. Find out how to spot these fabrications in Lies On A CV-How to Expose the Truth.

The Rise of the Contingent Workforce

The contingent workforce is growing at a phenomenal rate in the UK and the US, and is a major contributor of the gig economy. Contingent workers are non-permanent employees, such as contractors, freelancers, agency workers and consultants. There are many advantages to hiring contingent workers, but there are challenges that arise as well. The biggest challenge is organisations neglecting to background screen their contingent workforce. With the increasing numbers of these workers entering the labour market, it is vital that effective, robust policies are in place to screen them. Learn more about the importance of a fair and equal background screening process for all workers, full-time, part-time and contingent in The Rise of the Contingent Workforce.

Understanding Your Candidate’s CV

From sourcing candidates to aligning job qualifications with your department’s needs to the interview process the search for new talent can be time consuming. Indeed, the UK hiring process can take over a month to complete. It is important to screen your candidates properly to ensure their experience, education and job responsibilities accurately align with the requirements of the job. Unfortunately, not all candidates tell the truth on their CVs. Discover how to spot small oversights to large embellishments that could affect a candidate’s ability to perform their required jobs in Understanding Your Candidate’s CV.

Must Know Background Screening Trends for UK Employers

One of the most significant ways to minimise the risk of making a bad hire is to conduct a background screening check on potential employees. Sterling’ Background Screening Trends and Best Practices Reports revealed that almost 40% of UK companies are failing to perform background screening checks, despite that fact that most organisations are planning on recruiting more employees in the next year. Learn insights, best practices and opportunities to improve the quality of a background screening program for your business in Must Know Background Screening Trends for UK Employers.

How Will Brexit Impact the World of Hiring?

The historic decision for the UK to leave the EU has ushered in a period of great uncertainty amongst British businesses. While the political landscape has changed, it is unknown how the reforms will affect recruitment and hiring of job candidates for businesses in the UK. Brexit could restrict the number of low-skilled workers coming into the UK and instead attract more high-skilled workers and there could be a rise in hiring contingent workers. Despite the uncertainty, it is worth remembering that nothing will change overnight. It’s important for businesses to have the right skills and policies in place to make it through the Brexit changes. Find out more insights to what could happen in regards to recruitment in How Will Brexit Impact the World of Hiring.

As we wrap up the year we look forward to all that 2017 has in store. We will continue to keep you updated on the latest topics and trends in the background screening industry and can’t wait to share them with you.

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